Saturday, August 26, 2006


01. What time is it now? - 11.34 am

02. What are you doing? - downloading songs

03. Thinking of Anyone? - yup.

04. Are you Happy/Blur/Sad? - more to the blur side.

05. Why? - cos' i'm still feeling sleepy. :/ yawns...

06. What is the last thing you ate? - fried beehoon.haha.

07. Last thing that you've heard that made you cry? - nothing i guess.

08. Whats the last movie that made you cry? - haha.helen the baby fox.

09. Who do you wish to be by your side? - him.

10. Regretted anything in this month? - yeah.

11. Did you fall in love/out of love in this month? - i dunno.

12. Who was the last person you talked to? - my elder bro?

13. Who was the last person you hugged? - my mom i think.(:

14. Who was the last person you sms? - uncle keith

15. What did you dream of today? - i dreamt about some empress thingy last night.can't rmb but i know it's really strange. :/

16. Who can make you laugh? - anyone who's funny? (:

17. Who always takes care of you?- God and my parents

18. Anyone you know is in pain? - myself? haha.

19. What happen? - i'd rather keep it to myself.

20. What do you wanna do before you die? - haven't really thought about it.hopefully i won't die the next day.haha.

21. What song is stuck in your head? - toyko drift by the teriyaki of the funniest songs i've ever heard.haha.(:

22. What song are you listening now? - nickleback's if everyone cared

23. Worried about anyone? - yeah.

24. What age do you wanna get married? - hopefully 25? haha.

25. How many children do you want? - 2 at least.(:

26. Where do you wanna go for Honeymoon? - europe? aye.i dunno.anywhere as long as i'm with the person i love.(:

27. Any plans in this 2 month? - study and study and more studying! ): oh yes.and complete my irritating pw.

28. Describe a perfect wedding? - haven't thought about it but i want it to be somewhere in the outdoors.(:

29. Describe a perfect Date? - sigh.anything as long as i'm with the guy i love.

30. Where would you like to go for Holiday? - japan? haha.FOOD!

31. Do you play instrument? - haha.recorder? piano with one hand? okay.i'm hopeless when it comes to playing instruments.

32. Do you have a band? - nahh.

33. What songs do you listen to?- mostly rock and sad emo songs.

34. Wish you could die? - nope.not yet.

35. Do you give up easily? - yeah.sometimes.i'm half half.

36. Do you know anyone that acts like a kid? - duh? many many.

37. Do you know anyone that is rude? - yeah.many many too.

38. What's the sweetest thing anyone ever done? - not to be revealed.actually it's more like i'm lazy to think.heh.

39. Any sweet unforgetful memories with your Ex? - nah.i dun have an ex yet.haha.

40. Honestly.. Which Ex did you love the most? - see the previous answer

41. Who do you want to be hugged by? - my bolster.haha.but it hugs me every night.ermm..him then.(:

42. Single or Taken? - ermm..taken i think.

wahh.i'm really bored.haha.(:

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